Having a learning disability is a lifelong experience. If schoolwork was challenging, your future jobs may require many of the same skills you had difficulty with in school. Often reading manuals, writing reports, sending in financial statements are time consuming and present difficulty. Keeping your job may also include additional training in order to upgrade your career skills. You may need to take classes, or return to school.
The challenges you are experiencing at home, keeping up with bills, struggling with schedules and constant changes, helping with homework and employment insecurity all may be overwhelming.
All of these challenges impact your success and it is important that you explore all of the assistance available to enable you to be a self sustaining and successful adult.
You may or may not have been diagnosed before finishing your high school education, but many are diagnosed in their adult years. Depending upon the amount of difficulty you are experiencing, you may need current evaluation and guidance.
You do not need to have an LD label to know you are having trouble, but perhaps you need the label to gain the adaptations and assistance you need. Your schooling may depend on this help. Specialized training is available to assist you in your adult life and career.
The following links are available to guide you toward finding the help you need. Others have been where you are and are here to help.
THE LEARNING DISABILITY ASSOCIATION OF GEORGIA does not endorse products, services, publications, medication, professionals or treatments. Individuals presenting and exhibiting at an LDAG-sponsored event are not to be considered an endorsement by LDAG. Consultants and advocates providing answers to your confidential information are not licensed attorneys, nor medical doctors and their advice must be considered opinions. All information is presented to enable our members and friends to become informed consumers.